5 steps to creating your vision board

Why do vision boards work?

Successful people have been using vision boards and visualization for years to reach the level of achievement that they have.

In fact, visualization and vision boards are a tool that Olympic athletes use to get their minds in shape for competition.  In this technique, athletes mentally rehearse exactly what they have to do to win. Sports psychologists say that visualization boosts athletes’ confidence by forcing them to picture themselves winning.   It also helps them concentrate on their physical moves, rather than on distractions around them.  By the time an athlete reaches the end of their competition, they have been there a hundred times…In their mind.

vision boardsOn the level of the average, non-Olympian person, a vision board is a way to help navigate your life in the direction that you want.  So often we get caught up in the day to

day and forget that we ever set out on a particular course in the first place.  A vision board is like a road map to keep you on target for creating the life you want in the way that you want.  I have a saying that I think of often, “If you don’t happen to  life, life will happen to  you”  I would much rather direct my life in the path that I want rather than letting the events and struggles determine the outcome for me.  We have to make life happen!

Creating a vision board is one of the most valuable tools you can use to achieve your goals.   Our mind responds strongly to a visual stimulus  When the reminder of your goals and dreams sits before you every day it is much easier to remember that you are working toward something important when tough times do a drive by.

Are you ready to dive into the 5 steps to create your vision board?

Step 1: Clearly define your goal

Try out my goal setting workshop to really hone in and dig down to some actionable, nitty gritty goals.  When you are done with the workshop you will have developed what I like to call a “strong reason why” !  The strong reason why is essential  to driving you through difficult times when they come along…and they WILL come along.

Step 2: Gather your suppliesvision boards

You need a few simple supplies:

Tape, glue,scissors,

Poster board

Magazines, photos,

scrapbook paper, stickers,

Goals, dreams and a strong reason why

Step 3: Collect images

Find pictures that represent not only the “things” you want in your life but the feelings you will have when you have achieved your goals. Consider putting a picture of yourself at the happiest you’ve ever been in your life.   Include pictures or notes of the action steps you will have to take to achieve success.  Keep in mind that simply creating a vision board will not bring you to your finish line….It is the ACTION that will make the difference.  You can use clips of words that will represent you will feel.  Your vision board should be focused on how you want to feel not only the things you want. Make these words those that stir up strong emotion in you.

Step 4: Make Time

Set aside a special time to put your board together.  Make this a relaxing and satisfying experience.  Put in some inspiring music, grab a cup of tea and start to create in your favorite part of the house.  You’ll want to spend time thinking about your goals and dreams.  Give yourself time to daydream and imagine the possibilities

Step 5:  Put it all together

Organize your vision board in any way that makes sense or feels good to you. Begin by placing your pictures, words and other embellishments on your board and moving them around as you please.   Make it visually pleasing to YOUR eye because it is YOUR board, your visions, your dreams.  When you find the best location for your items start gluing them in place!  Create a way to hang your vision board.  Maybe a nice ribbon or picture wire attached to the back so you can hang it like the beautiful piece of artwork that it is!


  • Keep your board neat and tidy.  A cluttered chaotic board may cause you to associate your goals with chaos.
  • You might consider creating a separate vision board for your fitness goals, financial goals, relationship goals, career goals… Sometimes compartmentalizing them this way can help you achieve more clarity about what you are trying to accomplish in each area
  • Keep your vision board in a visible spot.  Near your bed is a great place because just before you shut down for the night you can review your goals and access if you made any steps toward your dreams.  It is said that the thoughts that run through your head in the last 45 minutes of your day before you fall asleep are what your mind will process through in your subconscious mind as you sleep and Then, first thing in the morning it will serve as a reminder to go for the gold that day!
  • Think about creating a way to “tag” the goals you have achieved. Maybe place a pin or sticker on the image.  The brain will receive a dopamine hit (THINK: a rush of positive thoughts) each time you look at the board.  Dopamine tells your brain that this is a good thing and the brain wants to repeat what it believes to be good!
  • Plan to create a vision board each year as you grow and evolve
  • Include events or activities that you have already done that your would like to be a regular part of your life
  • Try creating a vision board with your spouse or family to represent the goals that you have together

Want to be apart of the Missi Balison Fitness Vision Board workshop?? Join our Back to You in 2022 program where all our clients get to join the workshop for free!! Click below to find out more!