My passion is to help you get fit, healthy and balanced without intimidation or confusion.
Are you ready for a better and healthier you without the calorie counting?
As a Personal Trainer for over 29 years I have worked with hundreds of women. I can develop customized nutrition and exercise plans for people just like you who want to feel better, get stronger and lead happier, more productive lives!
I am going to teach you to learn to love nourishing each cell of your body so you can get the most out of it and feel and look amazing!
Take a look at my MISSION for what my clients’ lives will look like when they choose Missi Balison Fitness as their fitness home:
A Missi Balison Fitness client jumps out of bed before her alarm, puts on her workout clothes that have been waiting for her since the night before.
She is excited to get to her session to find out if her fit bestie sold that home, she knows its micro green delivery day at the studio and she loves to see the kitties at the gym

She whips up a super yummy smoothie and grabs her pre-made lunch and snacks as she kisses her spouse, waves goodbye to the kids and pats her dog on they head.
She is stoked because she left early enough to beat the trains today and gets to experience ALL of her training session, AND the fun chat with her fitness besties before and after her session. She can’t wait to hear if her friend Lisa sold her first house yet!
She enjoyed some good laughs at her training session, got a good sweat and feels energized and ready to take on the day! She gathers her organic micro greens and farm fresh egg orders (she loves that we have this healthy co-op thing going here at the studio – It makes her life so much healthier and easier), water bottle and the treat that one of her fit friends brought to share.
She waves goodbye to her fitness besties as she heads out to start her day.
She feels fired up to be the productive, awesome, kick butt women that she was meant to be!
She sits down at work and is READY to take it on!!
She is still warm and energetic from her workout and brings the fun banter to her office environment.
She is the positive one in the bunch and knows no obstacles because everything is figure-out-able in her world!
Her coworkers ask her how she is so full of energy and who lit her fire… and she says… “Missi Balison Fitness” as she recalls what a fun workout she had that day, the hilarious joke her workout partner told and that one great song that she can’t get out of her head.
She is proud of herself as she eats her healthy lunch (and her biz besties notice how “good” she is) that she prepared the night before.
She takes a swig of her almost empty water bottle and heads out for a 30 min walk for the rest of her lunch hour.
On the way home she swings by the thrift store to drop off all the contents of the 3 closets that she decluttered this weekend and feels amazing that her brain feels less burdened without all the extra stuff lying around!
She has the brain space to think about her Christmas list, or what she is going to bring to that pot luck this weekend or how to respond to he kids’ request to go to a party on Friday. This is because she knows that her dinner meal is prepped and ready to go and it will only take her a few minutes to put it together in time for the family to get home so they can sit down to a meal together.
After dinner she lays out her workout clothes for tomorrow, preps her lunch and snacks and sets her smoothie mixings on the counter.
She is ready to go for another amazing day. Get ready world!
As she gets ready for bed her hubby gives her a wink! She has so much energy, feels great about all the new lean muscle she has and that she is eating such healthy foods that nourish her body. She is relieved that she is finally taking time for herself and that she has been so productive lately that she is all game!
She falls asleep easily and wakes refreshed and excited for what’s to come!
The holistic approach goes beyond the pounds and percentages, but instead we dig deep in the physiological and nutritional needs of your body. I am going to teach you how to love your body so you can lead a happy, healthy, and fulfilled life all while losing weight and gaining muscle.
My private Sandpoint personal training studio was created out of my desire to help women that were intimidated by larger gyms. It has become an environment where I have watched so many wonderful ladies gain not only strength but confidence in the movement of their bodies, their skill with the exercises and their new found ability to create healthy habits and make lasting changes in their nutrition.
If you want to get healthy, lose weight and be the strongest version of YOU – you are going to feel right at home. Browse all of the options whether online or in the studio Here.
I look forward to meeting you!