Is Now The Best Time To Detox?

Best time to detoxThere are many ways and times  to detox your body but knowing when to detox is important to make sure you get the most out of your efforts.

Ready for Part 4 in this series on detoxing? Let’s dive in…Oh, wait, If you haven’t read the other posts about detox you can find them here:

Want to learn more about detoxing the body?  Check out the other blog posts in this series:

Part 1: How to detox: What, Why & Mindset

Part 2:  6 signs you need a detox

Part 3: Best Times To Detox 

Part 4: Quick Tips To Bounce Back After Binge A Eating Weekend

Every year as the seasons change we naturally cycle through patterns, phases and through stages of transition.  If you’ve ever watched those fast forward videos of a flower blooming or a tree growing you know that nothing stands still and nothing stays in it’s current state, even though it feels like that as you’re getting through a long week.

We can look at the seasons as having their own personalities.  While we each might have our own definition of what those personas are, I’ll share mine:

spring detox

  • Summer: A time for relaxing, celebration and exploring.
  • Autumn: A season for survival, preparation and slowing down
  • Winter: A season for reflection, hibernation and planning.
  • Spring: A season for excitement, opportunity and feeling hopeful. (< WE ARE HERE! 🙂

Now, these are of course my takes on the seasons and yours might be quite different.  I live where the winters are long and you’ve gotta get out and enjoy every day you can when the weather is nice and new things are growing.  I love THIS >>> Picture because there is such a drastic difference between the winter months and springtime that it makes me so hopeful for what’s to come 

Let’s take a look at why some seasons might be better than others for diving into a detox

Detoxing in the Spring

  • After a long winter we are ready to begin eating cleaner, moving more and generally just “cleaning house”
  • The longer days allow more opportunity to get the sunlight and light activity that aid in the detoxification process
  • The transition from winter to spring is a great time to hit the reset button.  We naturally want to do a cleanse of our home and yard in the spring time so it is a great impetus to detox the body as well
  • With the longer days we find ourselves motivated to move more and get outside after a time of hibernation
  • In my opinion, spring may very well be the best time to detox because of the refreshing it brings

Detoxing in the Summer

  • Warm weather makes it easier for the body to be in a detox process.
  • We already tend to crave fresh, light and raw foods in the spring and summer months
  • Fresh organic fruit and vegetables are readily available and more affordable
  • The warmer weather can help the elimination process as we are sweating more and naturally releasing toxins
  • Most people tend to have a lighter, more relaxed mindset in the summertime
  • Sometimes a detox can cause the body temperature to run on the cold side.  Detoxing in the fall while the warm temps haven’t cooled down yet can be more comfortable

Spring and summer are great times to detox because of the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables.  Also, having done a detox in the early fall I have personally noticed that my body runs a little bit cold and found myself getting chilly often.  In the spring and summer, the warmer temperatures can help you feel more comfortable


Also, many people report having a smaller appetite in the warmer weather.  I also find that being more active and out and about during the nicer weather makes me not as focused on food as I am in the wintertime.


Detoxing in the Fall:

  • There is still a lot of harvesting going on in the fall so there are still many fresh vegetables available
  • Fall can be a last chance to detox and lose a few extra pounds before heading into the more sedentary winter months
  • Detoxing can strengthen the immune system preparing your for the cold and flu season

Detoxing in the Winter

In my opinion winter is not the best season to detox. Here’s why:

  • In the winter our body is more sluggish and cold. It is a better time for resting and recharging our energy stores.
  • We perspire less in the winter. When we cleanse we are loosening the toxins but they stay in the body rather than being swept out while sweating
  • Our body craves denser foods to help keep us warm.
  • Often during detox you may feel cold and this can add to the discomfort of being cold throughout the winter months.

Of course depending on your lifestyle, location and thoughts about the seasons, your might feel differently about that best time to dive into a detox but I just wanted to arm you with some thoughts to help you make the best determination about when is the best time to detox and how to fit one into your life.  In all reality, the best time to detox is when you are motivated to do one and the demands of your life will allow for it!

Join me for my 10 Day Mind & Body Detox Online

Starts May 16th, 2022

Doors for regiistration close Friday May 13th

Click the image below to learn more

Don’t wait because EARLY BIRD PRICING ends May 13th

Want to learn more about detoxing the body?  Check out the other blog posts in this series:

Part 1: How to detox: What, Why & Mindset

Part 2: 6 signs you need a detox