by Missi Balison | Feb 7, 2017 | Coaching, Fat Loss, Fitness, Motivation
[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] Few things want to make you throw in that towel than a weight loss plateau! You’ve been eating well and exercising sensibly. You have been gradually losing weight at a comfortable rate of speed ....
by Missi Balison | Oct 12, 2015 | Coaching, Fat Loss, Motivation
Can simply smiling help you to burn fat? Absolutely! Let me show you how… Speaking of smiling! I LOVE these guys! They ALWAYS make me smile! We’ve probably all heard the old saying that “it takes more muscle (43 muscles) to smile than it does to...
by Missi Balison | Aug 11, 2015 | Fat Loss, Fitness, Healthy Living
We don’t eat it but it sabotages our waistline… Yes, the answer is stress makes you fat! Doesn’t seem fair but it is the truth. Stress creates a hormonal state that favors fat storage. If you can understand how stress effects the body you will be on your way to...