Join Sandpoint's Favorite Holiday Fitness Program

The 28 Day Little Black Dress Project - Holiday Hottie Edition
Nov 28th - Dec 25th
Get ready to start 2023 STRONG
Here’s Your 28-Day Challenge to Get
*a Flat Belly FAST,
*Burn Fat like Crazy,
*and get …
Hot For The HOlidays!

Start The Upcoming Year Looking & Feeling Amazing!
There may not be TONS of sparkley, fancy events this year but you’ll still end the year SHINING!

Lose Fat & Inches
You WILL lose inches and shed pounds of unwanted fat, AND gain energy and self-confidence…. and FINALLY feel good in your skin again.
FUn, Energizing workouts
Get excited about fat burning workouts that will rev your metabolism... You'll also get full length follow along workout videos for your off studio days
Eat clean while still enjoying holiday favorites
You won't put on the typical 7-10 pounds this holiday season with our delicious done for you meal plans and survival guides
Get organized for your holiday
No more running aroun dlike a chicken with yoru head cut off adding to the stress this year has already brought us. We will help keep you on track with your holiday chores so you can sit down and enjoy them too!!!
How It Works
- Step 1. Once you sign up for the Holiday Hottie Program you will receive an e-mail inviting you to join the Little Black Dress Private Facebook group for members only
- Step 2. You will also be given your password for the webpage where you will be able to retrieve your meal plans and workouts right away.
- Step 3. Each week you will advance to the next set of workouts and meal plans… And I will be here for you every step of the way
- Step 4. Check into the Facebook group regularly because this is where you will get daily motivation, mini challenges, extra trainings and accountability! Our lifestyle focus in this challenge will be about reducing stress during the holidays by helping you get organized and stay productive for the holiday season (shopping, parties, budgets and more) so you won’t want to pull your hair out by the end of the year!
- Step 5: Come to your workouts at the studio, make new fitness besties and get your sweat on!

Choose the perfect plan
2 small Group sessions per week
For all 4 weeks
- 2 small group training sessions per week
- Full length, follow along home workout videos
- Delicious, simple, done-for-you meal plans + shipping lists
- Private Facebook Group for questtions, support and accountability
- BONUS: Sandpoint's Healhty dining Out Guide
- BONUS: Healthy Holiday Cookie Swaps
- BONUS: Beat The Binge Webinar Training
- BONUS: FREE in studio Burn The Bird Workout - when you join before Nov 25th)
- BONUS: Holiday Favorites Recipe Book
- BONUS: Healthy Holiday Drinks Guide
- BONUS: Holiday Favorites Recipe Book
- 3 small group training sessions per week
- Full length, follow along home workout videos
- Delicious, simple, done-for-you meal plans + shipping lists
- Private Facebook Group for questtions, support and accountability
- BONUS: Sandpoint's Healhty dining Out Guide
- BONUS: Healthy Holiday Cookie Swaps
- BONUS: Beat The Binge Webinar Training
- BONUS: FREE in studio Burn The Bird Workout - when you join before Nov 25th)
- BONUS: Holiday Favorites Recipe Book
- BONUS: Healthy Holiday Drinks Guide
- BONUS: Holiday Favorites Recipe Book
Private training
2 sessions per week
- 2 one-on-one training sessions per week
- Full length, follow along home workout videos
- Delicious, simple, done-for-you meal plans + shipping lists
- Private Facebook Group for questtions, support and accountability
- BONUS: Sandpoint's Healhty dining Out Guide
- BONUS: Healthy Holiday Cookie Swaps
- BONUS: Beat The Binge Webinar Training
- BONUS: FREE in studio Burn The Bird Workout - when you join before Nov 25th)
- BONUS: Holiday Favorites Recipe Book
- BONUS: Healthy Holiday Drinks Guide
BONUS: Holiday Favorites Recipe Book
For private sessions you will be directed to an application to make sure schedules fit
Here's What You'll Get
Studio Workouts
You'll get to choose 2 or 3 studio workotus a week, whichever fits your scheudle best
You'll get eveything you need to navigate the holiday season with success!
* Holiday Survival Guide
* Beat The Binge Training
* Healthy Holiday Favorites Recipe Book
* Healthy Cookie Swap Recipe Book
* Healthy Holiday Beverages Recipe Book
* Sandpoint Healthy Dining Out Guide
Done For you meal plans
You won't have to think twice about what to eat to stay , fit , healthy and energized throught the toughest season of the year to lose weight
Get organized for your holiday
No more running around like a chicken with your head cut off adding to the stresses of the season. We will help keep you on track with your holiday chores so you can sit down and enjoy them too!!!
Frequently asked questions
We have all of our potential Holiday Hottie clients fill out an application so that we can learn more about their bodies. We’ll hop on a call with you before you join so that we can make sure this program is a good fit for you.
Our programs are based on meeting our clients right where they are. We can create exercise modifications for most fitness levels in our small group training classes. If you are a BRAND NEW BEGINNER we have just the program for you! You’ll want to attend our Fit Beginnings Sessions. These sessions aree designed to take a beginner exerciser and get her ready to join in with our otheer small group training classes. You will sign up for the Holiday Hottie program but ATTEND the Fit Beginnings workout sessions… They all tie together
Life happens and the holiday season can get busy. If you have to miss a session we allow for you to come to any of our other small group training sessions as a make up class. All make up sessions mush e completed before the end of the program (Sunday December 20th). If you choose to join us as a regular member beyond the Holiday Hottie program you make up sessions will be extended to 30 days from the date of the session you missed.
You’ll want to bring a clean pair of comfortable workout shoes to workout in – We don’t allow street shoes in the studio to keep things sanitary, a water bottle and a great attittude! That’s it!
Yes! Many of our ladies come to us before or after work, For your convenience we have a bathroom with shower as well as a massage room that can be used to change yoru clothes.
We Are Glad You Asked!
We are so proud of the precautions and care our clientts have been taking during this time. As state laws change we will also keep our policies and procedures in accordance
To keep the stuido safe we have special steeps in place
- All clients are asked to bring a clean pair of shoes to change in to while at the studio to keep the floors clean
- All clients are asked to wash their hands upon eentering the building (inthe warmer weather mounths we have installed a hand washing station outside)
- We clean EACH piece of equipment EVERY TIME it is used – even mid workotu session
- We sanitize touchable surfaces throughout the day
- MASKS: You are welcome to wear a mask but IT IS NOT REQUIRED – Studies have shown that it can be dangerous to exercise in a mask
- If a client has been in conact with someone that tested positive for COVID we request that they stay home for the recommended quarantine of 2 weeks. We are happy to send these clients full length workotu videos to do at home and we will check in with them to mak sure they are staying on track! 🙂
- SOCIAL DISTANCING: By keeping our small group sessions to alimit of 6-8 women, we have no problem spreading out in our 2000sqft facility
Our clients Have To say
About The Holiday HOttie!
Click the button below to fill out an application. We’d love to hop on a call with you to help you determine if The Holiday Hottie is the perfect program for you!